The Order of the Illuminati’s complex, 13-grade structure was devised by Baron von Knigge, who applied the model used in the masonic lodges of which he had been a member.

First Class

Each novice was initiated in humanitarian philosophy until he became a minerval. He then received the order’s statutes and could attend meetings.

1. Initiate

2. Novice

3. Minerval

4. Illuminatus Minor

Second Class

The various degrees in this class were inspired by Freemasonry. The illuminatus major supervised recruitment, and the illuminatus dirigens presided over the minervals’ meetings.

5. Apprentice

6. Fellow

7. Master

8. Illuminatus Major

9. Illuminatus Dirigens

Third Class

The highest degree of philosophical illumination. Its members were priests who instructed lower-degree members. The lower orders of this class were themselves under the authority of a king.

10. Priest

11. Prince

12. Magus

13. King

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