Your actions have the power to alter the future of the entire world. Though you may not fully understand your purpose, your part is just as important as the greatest kings and queens of this planet.
Say this oath with your own mind while reading.
Do not READ this if you ain’t ready to spend the rest of your life in this brotherhood .
When you read this the Oath can never be taking away by the sayer.
Read this now with your own mind if you are ready to go ahead with this mission .
Begin by saying
I accepted to become the Son of Lucifer from today. I seized to be living my life from today and I will live for my Master Lucifer until he Calls me to join my Brothers. Give to me all the Good gifts that you have given all your servant and worshipers who ebey and follow your Commands.
Today , I there by accept your rules lord Lucifer .
The god of light
The god of silver,
god of universe and god of gold.
My life shall for ever live in your chamber .
I shall for today become your son and I would always obey your commands I make this Aoth with my life for ever and more.