Let's Take you Deeper into our Believe, Secrets and explaining
Please read this carefully and make sure to understand what you are reading.
The Illuminate is a group of elite individuals who are Brothers to what is commonly known as Freemasons today. We are group of individuals that possess the power to do what ever we want in this world. provide Fame, power, Respect and Wealth, to those that are chosen by our Supreme Lord. Loyalty and Commitment is everything in this fraternity. Many people want to be part of us, but not everyone is accepted to be part of this brotherhood .To be accepted, you need to possess certain characteristics i won’t want to mention (only our fully initiated members are allowed to know). your whole mind and heart. You shouldn’t complain on anything you are ask to do.
For anyone to be accepted, the person needs to go through a spiritual online bloodline test. The test will determine if you are eligible to be a full initiated member. So if you have any sort of doubt or double mind when trying to join us, we kindly ask you not to go further with this because you won’t be accepted to be part of us. Having Faith in us is just one of the qualities of becoming a member, your behavior and confident in your heart is just one of the step for acceptance.
We will also like to make you understand that, distance has never and will never be a barrier when it comes to being a member. We have secret agent in every corner around the world. Our agents are in every corner, but due to privacy, they are only allowed to see or get in contact with only those that have been accepted to be a fully initiated (which you are not)
So before talking or meeting with our secret agents from your country, you have to be a complete memmber first to be eligible for getting your first installment of your Benefits, you don’t have to worry about the distance because we will take care of all that. The only thing to worry about. Because we do transfer of Funds to all our members. your chances of becoming a full member are as high as anything else. If you have become a full member, we shall send you a budget as part of your Benefits as the Law says in Arthron 6A all members wealthy
We will also want you to know that to be famous, Rich and Powerful, you will have to go through the luciferin process. That is, you will go through a satanic process by reading and accepting the all the rules and command of Lucifer. There are a lot of great pastors in the world that are part of the Illuminati, great musician, footballers, politicians etc. Every spiritual soul out there, Powerful person out there is made known by our lord Lucifer. There are a lot of things you will learn about this world once you become a full member. We possess all the secret of the beginning of the world till date .You are not just going to be rich and famous once you become a full member, but you will have knowledge of why many things happen that you don’t understand.
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You are a step ahead in achieving your Goals in Life
Ave Satanas πΊππΊ